
Showing posts from January, 2023

Teaching practice week 4

 On monday the school starts with a beautiful prayer. I got 5th period for 8D. I have substitution classes for up section. I take them to the ground for pt period. After lunch break I had exam duty.              On tuesday our optional miss visited our school for observing my class. I had 2nd period. Teacher pfovided appropriate suggestions. And also she pointed about my improvement. After lunch break I had exam duty for 10.           We were so relaxed on wednesday. I take the 4th period. Students were assembled for tour discussion. No other programms were occured.        Republic day programmed were conducted on school.        On friday we got many substitution classes. I take the 3rd and 4th periods in 8D. There were friday prayer in the church. After lunch break we had exam duty. On saturday a workshop on diagnostic and achievement test was conducted on college and class was led by Issac paul sir. It was an effective class. After the class we left the college.

Teaching practice week 3

    The school time starts with a beautiful prayer. On monday I got 5 th period. I completed the poem "my granmother's house". We participated in the midday meal prigramme. After lunch break we had exam duty for class 10.               On tuesday I dont have a period. But I had substitution classes. As usual after lunch break we had exam duty. No special programms were conducted.           On wednesday I got 3 rd period and started the play "The merchant of venice" by William shakespeare. I introduced shakespeare. I showed the trailer of the movie . I got a substitution period for 7c and it was PT period. We take them to the ground.            Thursday was our second observation day. Rana miss observed my class on 2 nd period and provide appropriate suggestions. Today also we had exam duty.                On friday prayer was sung by  B ed trainees. It was a great experience. At 12:30 pm we gathered in the church for frday prayer. I got 7th period. And we sang n

Teaching practice week 2

 On monday as usual the school time starts with the prayer. There was no substitution classes for me. We participated in the mid day meal programme. After lunch break I got a class for 8D. I could complete the story "The day in the country ". The inauguration ceremony of sports  camp was dkne by suja teacher. After the national anthem we leave the school.                   On tuesday our college teachers Rana miss and Harsha miss came to observe our class. I started  unit 5. Teacher give me appropriate suggestions and remarks. After the lunch break I had exam duty for class 10.             There was no special prigramms on thus say. Today I got a class on 8D. Today also I had exam duty.         In todays class I explained them about sympathy , empathy and apathy and human values. I collect their responses about human values. Today also I had exam duty.        There was a study tour for 7th to 9th class students. So we got many sunstigution periods for up section because up te

Teaching practice week 1

 The school reopened after vaccation on 3rd January 2023. We reached the school at 9: 20 am. The class time starts with prayer. On the first day I got an opportunity to take a class for 8 D class. It was malayalam medium. It is very difficult for them to understand , read and write English. So I have to explain the whole thong in the mothertongue. Students are very co operative and lovely. I can manage the class without too much difficulty.  After the lunch break there was a programme conducted on  "Jala mission". The school time ends on 3:45 pm. It was a fruitful day for me.           On the next day I got a period in 8D. On thursday I take my 3rd class. I was not good with my sound due to the infection. Bt I managed the class anyhow. We also inluded in the mid day meal programme. We got many substitution classes for 9 th and 10 th classes.  After the national anthem  with the permission of our HM we leave the school.on friday I had 7th period and completed my 7th lesson te