Teaching practice week 3



The school time starts

with a beautiful prayer. On monday I got 5 th period. I completed the poem "my granmother's house". We participated in the midday meal prigramme. After lunch break we had exam duty for class 10. 

             On tuesday I dont have a period. But I had substitution classes. As usual after lunch break we had exam duty. No special programms were conducted. 

         On wednesday I got 3 rd period and started the play "The merchant of venice" by William shakespeare. I introduced shakespeare. I showed the trailer of the movie . I got a substitution period for 7c and it was PT period. We take them to the ground. 

          Thursday was our second observation day. Rana miss observed my class on 2 nd period and provide appropriate suggestions. Today also we had exam duty. 

              On friday prayer was sung by  B ed trainees. It was a great experience. At 12:30 pm we gathered in the church for frday prayer. I got 7th period. And we sang national anthem also.

      It was a good week but a little weary also.

         Reflection classes were arranged on saturday at college. Everyne shared their exeriences. Our physical education sir give some instructions.After that option teachers signed our lesson plan and we leave the college.



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