Teaching practise week 7

 13/2/2023- 17/2/2023

On monday I had 5th period and I provided answers from the poem "solitude". Revision class started. I got 7th and 8th period on 8D as substitution. I choose that time to interact with my students. And we got snacks from jaisy teacher. 

      On tuesday I got exam duty on 2nd period. I had no classes on tuesday. 

 On wednesday we conducted a school based activity based on the topic Exam fear. On 9c the section was handled by me abd Jitha. Students share their difficulties about exam. We provide some techniques to relieve from such anxieties. On 8D the session was handled by Devipriya and Hannah.

On thursday  I had 2nd period and taught them some grammar portion. I got substitution classes for 9C.

On friday I take the 7th period and deal with revision. There were some daily duties.


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