Teaching practice week 2

 On monday as usual the school time starts with the prayer. There was no substitution classes for me. We participated in the mid day meal programme. After lunch break I got a class for 8D. I could complete the story "The day in the country ". The inauguration ceremony of sports  camp was dkne by suja teacher. After the national anthem we leave the school. 

                 On tuesday our college teachers Rana miss and Harsha miss came to observe our class. I started  unit 5. Teacher give me appropriate suggestions and remarks. After the lunch break I had exam duty for class 10. 

           There was no special prigramms on thus say. Today I got a class on 8D. Today also I had exam duty.

        In todays class I explained them about sympathy , empathy and apathy and human values. I collect their responses about human values. Today also I had exam duty. 

      There was a study tour for 7th to 9th class students. So we got many sunstigution periods for up section because up teachers were the tour guides. I take 7th perkod for 8 D and started a new poem. I had exam duty for 10 th class. After national anthem we leave the school.



On saturday we had reflection classes at our college. Every students share their experiences. After reflection our option teachers corrected and signed our lesson plans.      


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