Teaching practice week 6

 There were no other special programms on this day. Children were so excited for the annual day for friday. I had 5th period on 8D.

I don't have period on tuesday. I got some substitution classes for up section.  

       I distributed the answer sheets for students on wednesday.  And took the class. And we participated in the mid day meal programme. There was an assembly to provide the prizes for students for a combetition based on Subhash chandraboss day. Then HM provide instructions to students about annual day. 

          On thursday children were allowed for half day practice for annual day. We helped them for their practice. After luch break we dont have classes. We got snacks from school. 

   It was the annual day for Mgd school.  We had some duties. There were programms by the students. Lunch was given for all students and parents. After lunch there started official programmes. Special guests were arrived. And distributed momentoes and gifts for retiring teachers and winning students. We were so busy on that day. Very tired . After the official programme we left the school. 



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