On monday I had general observation by Rana miss. It was our last observation in teaching practice days. Teacher gave appropriate feedbacks. On tuesday I dealt with two lesson templates. Because I got 2 periods in 8A.Two of them are activity lesson templates. Wednesday was celebated as the SPC day. Respected HM Roy sir hoisted the SPC flag.Special assembly was conducted by SPC students. I conducted achievement test in 8A. Then I got a substitution period in6A. I took them to the ground because it was their PT period. In the evening we had an onlune meetong of college . It was a general reflection meeting. Our college pincipal gave some instructions about teaching practice. On thursday I completed the poem "From a Railway Carriage "in unit 2. It was the second last day of our teaching practice days. Friday was our last day at school. I provided answer sheets of achievement test. We gave special gift to our HM Roy sir and distributed a small snack to every teachers and office...