
Showing posts from August, 2023

Cognitive map

 Cognitive mapping is a great way to build upon previous knowledge by connecting new information back to it. It helps students to see relationships between ideas, concepts or authors. The units selected for cognitive mapping were " Leaps and Bounds" from plus one, which contain 3 chapters and " Challenges of Life"from plus two which contains 3 chapters.

Teaching practice week 8

 On monday I had general observation by Rana miss. It was our last observation in teaching practice days. Teacher gave appropriate feedbacks.  On tuesday I dealt with two lesson templates. Because I got 2 periods in 8A.Two of them are activity lesson templates. Wednesday was celebated as the SPC day. Respected HM Roy sir hoisted the SPC flag.Special assembly was conducted by SPC students. I conducted achievement test in 8A. Then I got a substitution period in6A. I took them to the ground because it was their PT period. In the evening we had an onlune meetong of college . It was a general reflection meeting. Our college pincipal gave some instructions about teaching practice. On thursday I completed the poem "From a Railway Carriage "in unit 2. It was the second last day of our teaching practice days. Friday was our last day at school. I provided answer sheets of achievement test. We gave special gift to our HM Roy sir and distributed a small snack to every teachers and office...